Meniscus tears are not uncommon in sports. There are several types of meniscus tears and they can differ in severity. This may determine if it is treated either conservatively or surgically. Our physiotherapists are trained in assessing and diagnosing meniscus tears. Our physiotherapist and exercise physiologist are able to assist in all of the stages from early rehabilitation or pre-hab to return to play. Our clinic has a fully equipped gym to get you ready to return to sport. We don’t only consider the meniscus tear and return to play needs, we consider all possible contributing factors (mental health, diet, sleep, previous injuries, etc.).
An ACL tear is a significant injury which can take a long time to heal and often requires extensive rehab. Our physiotherapists are trained in assessing and diagnosing ACL tears and are able to determine the severity of the tear, need for imaging or need for orthopedic input. Our physiotherapist and exercise physiologist are able to assist in all of the stages from early rehabilitation or pre-hab to return to play. Our clinic has a fully equipped gym to get you ready to return to sport. We don’t only consider the ACL tear and return to play needs, we consider all possible contributing factors (mental health, diet, sleep, previous injuries, etc.). We have written a full blog on ACL tears (read more).
Some sport injuries result in multiple ligament tears, for example for the knee we often see that multiple ligaments can be affected. This often results in surgical intervention. Our physiotherapists are trained in assessing and diagnosing ligament tears and are able to determine the severity of the tear, need for imaging or need for orthopedic input. Our physiotherapist and exercise physiologist are able to assist in all of the stages from early rehabilitation or pre-hab to return to play. Our clinic has a fully equipped gym to get you ready to return to sport. We don’t only consider the injury and return to play needs, we consider all possible contributing factors (mental health, diet, sleep, previous injuries, etc.).
This injury often occurs in sports, especially ones requiring kicking or sprinting. Majority of the time hamstring strains heal relatively quickly (depending on the grade of the injury). Rehabilitation aims to assist in the recovery from a hamstring strain and possible prevention of future strains. Rehabilitation will include in different stages of rehabilitation: pain and swelling management, regain balance, mobility, strength and finally exercises that prepare return to sport. Our physiotherapists are trained in assessing and diagnosing hamstring strain and determine the severity of the strain, need for imaging or need for orthopedic input. Our physiotherapist and exercise physiologist are able to assist you in a rehabilitation plan that focuses on these and other elements. Our clinic has a fully equipped gym to get you ready to return to sport. We don’t only consider the injury and return to play needs, we consider all possible contributing factors (mental health, diet, sleep, previous injuries, etc.).
Tendinopathies differ from other sports injuries such as sprains, strains, dislocation or fractures. Tendinopathies therefore, require a different approach to rehabilitation where a lot of focus should be on load management and gradual progressive loading of the tendon. Our physiotherapist and exercise physiologist are able to assist you in a rehabilitation plan that focuses on these and other elements. Our clinic has a fully equipped gym to get you ready to return to sport. We don’t only consider the tendinopathy and return to play needs, we consider all possible contributing factors (mental health, diet, sleep, previous injuries, etc.). Read our blog about Tendinopathies here.
Ankle sprains are the most common foot-ankle injury seen in sport. There is a large variation in time taken to recover from 1 day to long-term ankle issues. Rehabilitation will look at braces, crutches and strapping when appropriate, progressive weight-bearing, possible manual therapy and exercise to regain strength and mobility. Rehabilitation also aims to reduce the risk for future ankle sprains. The extent of rehabilitation will depend on the severity of the injury, if it is the first or reoccuring, your personal needs and goals. Our physiotherapists are trained in assessing and diagnosing ankle sprains and determine the severity of the sprain, need for imaging or need for orthopedic input. Our physiotherapist and exercise physiologist are able to assist you in a rehabilitation plan that focuses on these and other elements. Our clinic has a fully equipped gym to get you ready to return to sport. We don’t only consider the injury and return to play needs, we consider all possible contributing factors (mental health, diet, sleep, previous injuries, etc.).
Groin strains occur more frequently in sports that involve twisting, turning, changing directions and kicking. ‘Groin strain’ is an umbrella term for several possible causes of pain (muscle or tendon strain, bursa). As with most sport injuries the severity of the injury can determine the recovery time and some will recover relatively quickly without the need for interventions. Rehabilitation includes ‘RICE’ or ‘PEACE & LOVE’ initially followed by gradual progressive strengthening and mobility exercises. Our physiotherapists are trained in assessing and diagnosing groin strain and determine the severity of the strain, need for imaging or need for orthopedic input. Our physiotherapist and exercise physiologist are able to assist you in a rehabilitation plan that focuses on these and other elements. Our clinic has a fully equipped gym to get you ready to return to sport. We don’t only consider the injury and return to play needs, we consider all possible contributing factors (mental health, diet, sleep, previous injuries, etc.).
Dislocations can occur during sports (especially contact sports). These can affect many joints with the shoulder being the most commonly affected. Dislocations can occasionally require surgery (e.g., arthroscopic Bankart surgery). Or they can be managed conservatively. In both instances, there is often a need for short-term immobilization (e.g., use of a sling). Rehabilitation will depend on the type of sport needs, joint involved, patient goals, extent of the dislocation. Our physiotherapist and exercise physiologist are able to assist you in a rehabilitation plan that focuses on these and other elements. Our clinic has a fully equipped gym to get you ready to return to sport. We don’t only consider the injury and return to play needs, we consider all possible contributing factors (mental health, diet, sleep, previous injuries, etc.).
There are several possible injuries that can affect the Achilles including strains and tendinopathy. Some injuries can recover in days and others can take months. Rehabilitation will likely include gradual progressive and slow strengthening exercises. Other modalities will depend on the extent of the injury and the personal circumstances. Our physiotherapist and exercise physiologist are able to assist you in a rehabilitation plan that focuses on these and other elements. Our clinic has a fully equipped gym to get you ready to return to sport. We don’t only consider the injury and return to play needs, we consider all possible contributing factors (mental health, diet, sleep, previous injuries, etc.).